Chicken Salad With Raspberry Dressing

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Serves 4

4 cups mixed greens, torn into bite-size pieces
2 cups cooked chicken, diced
1 cup fresh or canned raspberries
1/3 cup celery, thinly sliced
1/4 cup toasted almonds, sliced
Freshly ground black pepper

Raspberry Dressing
1 cup plain nonfat yogurt
1 tablespoon raspberry wine vinegar or red wine vinegar
1/2 cup raspberries
2 teaspoons granulated sugar

Toss salad greens, chicken, raspberries and celery. Sprinkle with almonds. Serve with Raspberry Dressing and pepper.

Raspberry dressing: Place all ingredients in blender. Cover and blend on high speed for about 15 seconds or until smooth.

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